How to Remineralize Reverse Osmosis Water

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There’s no argument that RO is one of the best ways of purifying water. But there’s a problem with RO water – it lacks essential minerals required in the body.

And how does this happen?

During reverse osmosis, impurities and contaminants get removed from the water. Although this is a good thing, minerals like calcium and magnesium get filtered out as well.

How to Remineralize Reverse Osmosis Water

Remember that your body needs these minerals to keep it healthy and in balance. Some people argue that you don’t need to get these minerals from the water since the food we eat has enough minerals already.

But do you know that the food we eat nowadays is also deficient in minerals? So what should you do?

Do away with Reverse Osmosis?

Absolutely not! All you need to do is remineralize the RO water(source). This simply means adding purified water to the purified water. This way, you’ll get to enjoy the benefits of pure water while getting all the essential minerals that your body requires.

In this post, we discuss the different ways of remineralizing RO water.

Reasons for Remineralizing RO Water

The following are the top reasons why most people decide to remineralize RO water.

Minerals are essential to the body

As aforementioned, RO strips down essential minerals from the water. Since our bodies require these minerals to boost our health, we need to find ways of adding them back, and remineralization happens to be the best way.

Improve the taste of the water

Reverse osmosis makes water tasteless. This makes people opt for sugary drinks like sodas and avoid water altogether. Adding minerals back to the water helps to improve the taste.

Remineralized water is perfect for making soup, brewing coffee, making tea, preparing baby food, and cooking. Some people argue that food prepared using this water tastes better than that from purified water.

Encourages Hydration

RO water tastes bland as it has a low pH. This makes most people to shy away from taking it. However, adding the minerals back into the water increases its pH, making it tasty. You will start taking more glasses of water per day as a result. Kids will also enjoy taking the water.

Minerals Removed During Reverse Osmosis


Magnesium is an essential body mineral that helps to stimulate and control biochemical reactions in the body. It also helps to develop and maintain healthy bones.

A deficiency in magnesium results in several health issues, including nausea, fatigue, and whole-body weakness, something you wouldn’t want to happen to you. It can also lead to long-term effects such as seizures, heart disturbances as well as numbness, and muscle cramps.


Just like magnesium, calcium is an equally important mineral. It’s actually the most common and can be found all over the body.

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, heart contraction, blood clotting, and hormone regulation. It is also essential for nervous system functioning.

Calcium deficiency can lead to convulsions, brittle bones, and heart problems.

Trace minerals

Water contains trace minerals like sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Sodium is necessary for muscle contraction and nerve impulse regulation. It is also needed in the balancing of minerals and water in the body.

Potassium helps to regulate the heartbeat. It also helps the nerves to function correctly.

Phosphorous helps in the formation of teeth and bones. It also helps your body make protein and plays a significant role in how your body utilizes fats and carbohydrates.

How to Remineralize Water After Reverse Osmosis

The following are some of the easiest and most cost-effective ways of remineralizing RO water.

1. Use Himalayan salt

Using Himalayan salt is one of the easiest ways to remineralize your RO water. It is very dense in minerals as it contains a full complement of 84 trace minerals.

It also comes at a very affordable price.

For the best results, add a tiny pinch to every glass of water. You can also choose to add a ¼ of a teaspoon to every gallon. However, avoid using too much since you don’t want your water to get salty.

One important thing to note is that Himalayan salt is not your average table salt. Instead, it has lower sodium content and very mineral-dense than most salt.

Adding Himalayan salt to the water won’t change its taste but will bring back all the minerals.

This method also boasts other benefits, including sinus problem relief, weight loss, better respiratory function, and lowering of high blood pressure.

2. Add trace mineral drops

Trace mineral drops help to improve the taste of RO water. These drops also can make the water more alkaline.

Adding trace minerals to reverse osmosis water is one of the fastest ways to get the trace minerals back into the water. In addition, the drops are readily available in supermarkets and come at a very affordable price.

Although it’s recommended that you add few drops to the water to get the minerals back, it’s wise to go through the instructions on the label. In addition, you should know that the method and amount of drops to use vary from brand to brand and hence the need to be extra careful.

3. Use an alkaline water filter

Passing water back through alkaline water filters helps add beneficial minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium after reverse osmosis.

This method is the best option for you to get minerals back to your diet without using salted water or green smoothies.

4. Use an alkaline water pitcher

Alkaline water pitchers are also affordable options that you can use to add minerals such as magnesium and calcium back to your water.

These pitchers contain a filter cartridge responsible for adding a measured amount of minerals back into a given batch of water. And since it’s in a pitcher design, you won’t benefit from immediate results.

You’ll have to add RO water from your tap to the pitcher, then wait for a few minutes for filtration to take place.

One thing to note is that alkaline water pitcher cartridges require replacement if they have to continue working effectively. In addition, they have a shorter lifespan of 1 to 3 months.

5. Use alkaline water bottles

If you’re always on the go, the best method to add minerals back to your water is by getting an alkaline water bottle.

It is the easiest method of all. All you need to do is purchase an alkaline water bottle, fill it with RO water and bring it with you to your destination.

These bottles contain filters that increase water pH and add minerals such as magnesium and calcium to improve the taste.

They come at an affordable price, mostly $3o, but require filter replacement every 6 weeks.

6. Remineralizing Filters

Remineralizing filters are a hassle-free option for adding minerals to RO water, especially if using the best under-sink RO system.

The best reverse osmosis systems come with an optional remineralization filter that produces alkaline water. If you have one, it means that you won’t have to worry about adding mineral drops as an afterthought.

If your RO system doesn’t have the filter, just buy one and install it at your main water line.

These remineralizing filters remineralize RO water with calcium and magnesium. Some even add up to 5types of minerals back to RO water.

Remineralizing post-filter cartridges cost between $30-$80.You’ll, however, have to replace them after every 6 months of use.

7. Use Green Blends

Water produced from RO is healthier than any other water from a random faucet. But if you mix it with green blend powder, magic happens. It energizes your drinking water! (source)

Drinking the supercharged green water helps to get a full dose of minerals and trace elements.

When choosing a green blend, ensure that it’s certified organic. You don’t want to put the impurities you took out of the water back in, right?

To be honest, most people don’t like using green blend powder to remineralize RO water as they can’t stand the taste. To better the situation, blend it in your food or add it to a smoothie.


Remineralizing RO water helps you to enjoy all the health benefits of essential minerals. It’s pretty easy to remineralize RO water once you know the steps to take. The key is to ensure that you get quality products to help you replace the missing minerals.

Hopefully, the above-listed tips have covered your needs. If you feel that your water needs to be remineralized, go ahead and choose the process that suits you best.